We just signed a contract with JDI Windows to replace every window in our house. They are giving us an amazing deal!!
Besides the look, we wanted to check out the other benefits of replacing the windows.
Added Value
The value of your home will increase as a result of installing new windows. You will see greater resale value in your home and property.
Reduced Maintenance
You may choose windows designed for quick and easy cleaning and maintenance.
Reduced energy bills
Windows are one of the main sources for heat loss in homes. Your home can become significantly more energy efficient, saving you money on costly heating and cooling bills.
Tax Rebate
Even though the government needs to stop spending money, I'll take this rebate. According to my research,
For 2011, the tax credit for qualified energy efficiency improvements will cover up to 10% of the total cost of replacement windows, up to a total of $500 ($200 maximum for windows alone, $500 for energy efficient windows and doors).I'll just have to find the proper paperwork.
Reduced Noise
The tighter seals of new windows will reduce street noise.
The next step is having another measuring of our windows (to within 1/8"), which will occur tomorrow, so that the windows are properly ordered and fit correctly.
We were told that the install date would probably be a month out and replacing all the windows would take a full day. I just hope that the weather cooperates.
Next Project- Bathroom
Since we are coming into the Fall/Winter seasons, I'm guessing that the bathroom will be the next project that we tackle.
I just love the look of this double sink and hope that we can do something like that (------>) with our bathroom. Of course, now with 3 people in our house, taking turns brushing our teeth with 1 sink takes forever.
Currently, we have a single sink with a long counter on either side. We also have a huge mirror that likes to pull away from the wall and rest on the counter. It looks horrible. Plus, we don't clean it as often as we should, so it has a ton of toothpaste dots and smudges. Yuck!!
I'd also like to have the carpet taken out, linoleum installed and the wall and door between the sink and toilet/shower taken out to extend the size of the bathroom. I would even be interested in removing the pocket door to the master bedroom removed for more wall space. Convincing Brian of all this would be a job in and of itself, but here's to a girl with a dream. :)
I'm not sure how much of the plumbing work Brian could complete without professional help, but I 'd love to find out and minimize the cost.
Later this year (since I'm expecting a monetary gift), I'm hoping to start working on this by my birthday in November.
We are planning on going to the new Ikea store on Sunday afternoon, so I'm probably going to be looking over bathroom ideas there.
Don't tell Brian, but I'm hoping to find a new bedroom set as well. I'm kind of sick of the "western" theme.
Have a great weekend!
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