A Denver Family's Adventure Through The Ups And Downs of Life

Friday, May 21, 2010

Top Ten for 2010: Guidelines for Graduates

The Ohio State University President, E Gordon Gee's "Top 10 Guidelines for Graduates."
The graduation season has begun. During the months of May and June, tens of thousands of young people – and some not quite so young – leave colleges and universities across the country with diploma in hand. The great joy of that tassel-and-gown moment is tempered for many people, of course, who walk away from their Commencement ceremonies not only with a degree, but also with uncertain job prospects. It is no secret: These are challenging times.

Having been called a serial optimist, however, I believe utterly and completely in the power of these new graduates to create their own destinies and to guide us all to a brighter future. After leading universities for a full three decades now, I say with all certainty that today's graduates are among the most entrepreneurial, compassionate, determined, and hard-working I have ever known. With great affection and admiration, I offer up a few bits of advice for them.

Top Ten for 2010: Guidelines for Graduates

1. Update your status in person.
2. Make sure your global experience encompasses more than Shakira and sushi.
3. Put away your Guitar Hero and be a hero in someone's life.
4. Disagree without being disagreeable.
5. Take chances: The biggest failure is not to try.
6. Always be just as curious as you are at this moment.
7. Know that you are never too old to play on a swing set.
8. When opportunity knocks, knock it out of the park.
9. Start working in your field before you are hired.
10. Dance when you can, laugh every day, and say thank you.

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