A Denver Family's Adventure Through The Ups And Downs of Life

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Heading to Vegas

What am I going to do for a weekend
without my boys??

I'm headed to Las Vegas to meet my BFF who I haven't seen for a few years for a long, girl's weekend.  I know that it's good to get away, but this is going to be the first time that I'm away for Sam for more than a single night.  When I told Brian that I was planning a trip out of town, he was all for it.  He knows that I really need a few days to decompress.  It will make me a better wife and mother in the long run.  Thank you!!!

I also want to thank Andrea for looking after Sam tomorrow while Brian is at work.  You have helped us out so much this month.  I don't know what we would have done without you.  THANKS!!

I'm definitely taking my laptop so that I can squeeze in at least one Skype session during the weekend. I can't be totally without them.

Are there any bets that people would like me to place while I'm out there??  Maybe the Steelers or Broncos to win the Super bowl in 2012. 

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