A Denver Family's Adventure Through The Ups And Downs of Life

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday's Houshold Tip- Big Bad Excuses for Clutter Cop-Out

Big Bad Excuses for Clutter Cop-Out from The Family Manager’s Everyday Survival

• Everyone has one, so I must need one, too. Or the opposite: it’s unique, so I’ve got to have (or keep) it.
• It may come in handy someday.
• I’ll keep it until I find someone to give it to.
• I don’t have time to sort through my stuff.
• If I get rid of things, I’m throwing money away.
• I don’t know where to start.

Points to Ponder
• Buy things because they are useful, not because a Madison Avenue ad exec says they’ll make you prettier, smarter, in the know, or in the flow.
• Refuse to be propagandized by the purveyors of modern gadgetry.
• Look with a healthy skepticism at all “buy now, pay later” schemes.
• Develop a habit of giving things away.
• Learn to enjoy things without owning them.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like clutter is such a pervasive thing in so many normal families and households - not just people who are clutterbugs. What's so terrible about it, too, is that doesn't serve you at all... it wastes our time, makes us tired (maybe that's just me, though), and ultimately we become slaves to it. This year my goal is to really simplify our lives by reducing clutter in our home!

    I've been looking a lot at flylady.net recently. She has a lot to say about clutter and ways to deal with it without burning out. I think I might try her suggestions.

    Thanks for sharing this - you always have such interesting information to share!


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