A Denver Family's Adventure Through The Ups And Downs of Life

Friday, November 13, 2009

Project Single Mom: Day 4 (Last Day)

I decided to skip a shower last night and my hair didn't look too bad when I woke up. I'll take one tonight.

I wasn't able to wake up before Sam this morning so he saw me without my makeup on (oh no!!). He got to watch me put on my makeup while he was on his tummy kicking his legs.

We had a very comfortable morning. Eating, playing, napping-- we had fun. Of course, dropping Sam off at daycare wasn't a problem. He is such a good boy.

I received a call from Brian today letting me know that he would be home tomorrow morning instead of in the afternoon. We have missed daddy so much. It will be so great to see him.

I have set up our "To Do" list this weekend.
Take pictures of Sam in crocheted hat
Give Sam air time (he has some diaper rash)
Put BBQ sauce on chicken thighs and bake
Bake banana bread
Clean Sam's toys
Return DPL movies
Watch the Buckeye game
Put together Sam's food for daycare next week
Watch Bronco's game
Install diaper sprayer
Meeting with our financial planner

The evening was uneventful until it was bedtime. Sam has had diaper rash since I started giving him peaches, so (in hopes of calming the acid in his diet that could have contributed to the rash) I gave him sweet potatoes. I usually feed him 4 ice cube size pieces of food. Tonight he ate 5 cubes.

Since he ate a lot I was expecting him to spit some of it up before bedtime, but he didn't. I completed his routine and put him into his Halo fleece SleepSack, turned on his soother and went into the loft. He usually fusses a little bit, but tonight it was more than normal so I decided to peek in on him. Sam was on his stomach with a palm size blob of orange spit up on his sheet. When I took him out of his crib to change the sheet I noticed that he had a bunch on his face. I guess that I didn't get to him before he had put his head down. I laid him on the floor, cleaned off his face and changed the sheet. I then gave him a kiss, turned the soother on and went back into the loft.

He started fussing a a bunch so I went in to check on him. He had spit up again and had more on his face. I cleaned his face, changed his sheet and decided (since the only clean crib sheet that we had in the house was now on his mattress) that I was going to nurse him until he fell asleep. We did that, and as of this post, he has not woken up or spit up.

Just in case, I put the 2 dirty crib sheets into the washer and I will make sure that I put them in the dryer before I go to bed.

For a Friday the 13th, it's been a pretty good day.

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